S H R E Y A - C L I N I C
103, Sukh Complex, Munshi Puliya, Indira Nagar, Lucknow

Let's be Together

Extra info thumb
  • 103, Sukh Complex, Munshi Puliya, Indira Nagar, Lucknow
  • 9151528241
  • shivsagar.gupta@yahoo.com




Body mass index BMI is calculated using one’s height and weight. Normal BMI should between 20-25.

More bodyweight causes more problems. BMI of 25-30 is called overweight. BMI of more than 30 is called Obesity.

Obesity can cause Asthma and vice versa

Obesity is most commonly associated with snoring usually, OSA.

Obesity can cause a lot more problems like Diabetes, Hypertension, Herat disease, Stroke, Hormonal abnormalities.