S H R E Y A - C L I N I C
103, Sukh Complex, Munshi Puliya, Indira Nagar, Lucknow

Let's be Together

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  • 103, Sukh Complex, Munshi Puliya, Indira Nagar, Lucknow
  • 9151528241
  • shivsagar.gupta@yahoo.com



  1. Benign fibrous histiocytoma of larynx- rare cause of acute airway obstruction. Lung India 2010;27(3):183–4 PMID:20931045[Pub Med] PMCID:PMC2946728
  2. Review Article- Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases-Journal Of Internal Medicine Of India. 2007;10(1):8-15
  3. Rhinosporidiosis of trachea: A Rare Encounter. Clinical Rhinology : An International Journal 2011;4(3):157-8
  4. Pulmonary Rehabilitation in COPD patients in a resource poor setting Lung India. 2012; Supplement 1;S16
  5. Obstructive airway disease in pulmonary tuberculosis cases in relation to Smoking. Eur Respir J 2012;40: Suppl. 56, 475s.
  6. Role of low cost pulmonary rehabilitation programme in COPD in rural area of India.Eur Respir J 2012;40: Suppl. 56, 642s
  7. Clinical Profile of Disease Causing Chronic Airflow Obstruction, in a Tertiary Care Centre in India. Indian J Chest allied Sci 2012;54:S-89
  8. Prevalence of Obstructive sleep Apnea in a Population around Lucknow with Type-II Diabetes Mellitus. Indian J Chest allied Sci 2012;54:S-90
  9. Comparative study of clinical and radiological features of Pulmonary Tuberculosis patients with or without Diabetes MellitusS.S Gupta, Abhishek Shekhar Sinha, Kartik Sood Abstact book 67TH NATIONAL conference on Tuberculosis and chest diseases to be Held at patna from 8th to 10thFebruary, 2013
  10. Diagnostic value of pcr in sputum of patients of pulmonaryTuberculosis Gupta S S, Mehrotra A, Kumar N. abstact book67th national conference on Tuberculosis and chest diseases to be Held at patna from 8th to 10th February, 2013
  11. Original Article-Correlation of BMI and Oxygen Saturation in stable COPD in Northern India, Lung India 2014;31:29-34.
  12. Gupta S S, Kumar N, Mehrotra B. Endobronchial metastasis in benign giant cell tumor of bone in a 25-year male -Second case report with literature review, Lung India 2015;32:409-10
  13. Gothi D, Gupta S S, Kumar N. Impact of Overlap Syndrome on Severity of Acute Exacerbation of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, is provisionally accepted in Lung India on 10/05/2015.
  14. Karoli R, Fatima J, Gupta S S, Shukla V, Moidurrehman, Manhar M. Vitamin D Deficiency in Medical Patients at a Teaching Hospital in North India, JAPI 2015;63:35-9